Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's the little things in life

Daisy sneezed today.
I smiled.
Really I did smile.
Not the reaction you'd expect perhaps.

But you see when Daisy was born a daily sneezing session was necessary to help remove the excess fluid in her chest cavity. This sneezing session involved a PICU nurse holding a suction pipe in one hand whilst squeezing a bag attached to Daisy's breathing tube in the other, a specially trained Physio doing the actual "sneezing" with thrusts to her chest (not pleasant to watch trust me!) and me comforting poor Daisy wherever there wasn't a wire or tube attached, which was pretty much everywhere!

She then had 5 monthly shots through the winter to protect her against the RSV virus. This wasn't a cheap thing for the NHS to do for her, but they rated the threat to Daisy of catching RSV (a mere bad cold or sore throat to you or I) as serious enough to warrant it. She they felt, was particularly vulnerable to some potentially nasty complications from this virus, so the precaution of jabbing her was taken. Along with just 6 other babies (if my memory serves me right) in the whole of our local hospitals catchment area.

But there she was, my chubby, happy, healthy looking child, sneezing and smiling at me. It was great!

We've come a loooong way.

Summer Festival Fun!

It's not often you get the chance to see a legend live. So when Ed spotted "The Hop Farm Festival" line up for this summer we were quite excited! I had my doubts taking the girls to a festival, the potential noise, drunken adults, toilets, food, etc. all had me thinking twice. We went for it though, joined by Grandad and Nanny P.

It was also another day of "We Love Our Slings!". We sauntered in together, Grandad pulling a trolley with his "fishing tent" so the girls would have a place to shelter from the sun, cool box, picnic blanket etc. Ed carried Daisy in our newly acquired Bamberoo Mei Tai, I threw Katie onto my back and wrapped her into the sturdy go-anywhere Storchenwiege "Louse Leo Bio Organic Turkis"(aka "the Turquoise one"!) I think G'dad and NP were a little surprised at my "supergirl" shoulder-tossing technique, but off we went. I did somewhat regret not insisting Katie walk the trek from carpark to entrance when she decided it was hilarious to headbutt me (!!!!) but a stern warning to her and she calmed down a little.

Once in we pitched the tent at the back in front of the main stage, Turkis became the inside blanket, picnic blanket outside, collapsable chairs either side. And Relax. It was quite a gentle festival. The queues for the beer-tents were VERY LONG (not that I stood in any of them!). The queue for the ice-cream van (and given it was a Scorching Hot Day I'm still stunned there was just ONE!!) longer. Ed was a true hero and braved both - the ice-cream one with Katie too!

Toilets were the best I've seen at a festival, not that that's saying much, but there was even a baby-change option! We still opted for under-cover of our tent for D's changes though. Food was hideous. We were most glad we took our own picnic!

Katie enjoyed the whirlitzers with Ed and I in turn whilst Daisy watched from the Bamberoo and giggled at us spinning about. She also gained a flower-head-dress, very 60's stylee. Ed set off with her and found the stall selling them. Katie rejected the first one "Well it's ok, but I really wanted one a bit prettier please!" but was happy with option no4.

I didn't catch the name of the first band that was on, but the singer had a good voice.
Pete Docherty wasn't particularly impressive, but gave it a good go.
Seasick Steve isn't really my Thang, but Ed headed up to the front and enjoyed himself!
Mumford and Sons stole the day for me. G'dad and I headed up to within 50 metres of the stage. They were Fab! Better live than on their cd. True musicians. Looking forward to hearing more of them in the future now!
Pete Townsend (of The Who) was next up. Lola was in the set he played, Katie and I bopped about a bit and generally enjoyed it.
Lastly, was Dylan. Having grown up listening to him, but not having bought anything "new" his set was a little disapointing. He'd decided he wasn't going to play for the me's in the crowd. He dressed so that it was hard to tell which of the band on stage was Dylan. Most of the set was his more recent songs (so not ones I knew). And yes, he still sounds like he's got a bad cold lol! Yet I'm still glad I can say I saw him perform live. Katie enjoyed herself, despite it now being very late in the evening. And Daisy? Well she was snuggled up in the wrap, asleep, ear defenders on!

During the set some kind teens gave Katie two of those neon glowy sticks free after Ed approached them to ask which stall they'd gotten them from.

Afterwards, we packed back up, Ed popped Katie onto his back (first back carry ever for him!) in the Bamberoo and we worked our way out and through the crush at the entry gate. I'm VERY Glad Katie was safely in a sling attached to one of us during that part and not on her feet! Also Very glad Daisy was snuggled up asleep on me and not in a buggy at "cigarette holding" height! UGH!!

All in all, a great day and a happy memory.

Daddy's Girl Walks right into his arms on Fathers Day!

Old news now, But: We celebrated Fathers Day at home in style - Daisy took her FIRST STEPS Straight into her Daddy's Arms! Just one day shy of 11mos. A truly wonderful moment. I managed to capture steps 11-20 or so later on. At time of writing, a calender month later, I'm aware that it's now been several days since she last opted to crawl instead of walk. In just a month she's worked and worked and worked at it. She's now crossing rooms, perhaps with a bump or two, but always picking herself up. She'll carry a favourite toy with her if so inclined too. When tired she goes down into "mouse" position until she's ready to resume. We're still enjoying lots of regular sling snuggles though and it'll be a while yet before she's ready to walk far when we're out and about.

An overdue Catch Up!

Eeep, it's been a while huh. Quite a bit to catch up on here!

Sports day first off. I was so very proud of my little big girl Katie! She saw me arrive with Daisy and gave us a very excited wave and welcoming shout! What was more impressive for Katie was that she then went and *sat down* and *sat relatively still* with her teaching home-group Despite being Very Excited!
This really is Huge for Katie!
She tried hard in all her races : the straightforward running race, the skipping race, but really put a tear of pride in my eye and a lump in my throat in her "bean-bag balanced on head" race (see above pic). She dropped it in the first metre, but calmly picked it back up and concentrated hard on finishing the race with a big grin, despite being last by, well, a Lot. This got her a well deserved cheer and applause from all the parents and teachers!
Then it was the obstacle race, which was done as a home-group team vs team race. Katie's team "won" and so she was content afterwards that she'd "won" something that afternoon and proudly told her daddy so that evening. In great and very animated detail!

Her parents evening was an interesting point in the busy end of term schedule. Her teacher - Miss Aziz - and I were definitely talking about the *same* child. Although they see none of the temper that I've been subject to recently. Phew!
A query was raised regarding her hearing however, I've been uneasy myself, in a can't put finger on quite why way, coupled with her struggles to pronounce some of her sounds. So we made a visit to her GP and she's been referred to have a hearing test to rule out (or in) any issues. I know she can "lock in" and be concentrating So hard on something that interests her sometimes that she genuinely doesn't hear what's said to her - unless you touch her to break that concentration a little. I also know she practices "selective hearing" if you're saying something she doesn't *want* to hear.
But there's still a ?? in my mind I can't shake, so off to Calderdales clinic we'll go...
I did also have to have a word with her teacher to highlight that Katie when upset will go "in" on herself as opposed to approaching a teacher for assistance. We've really struggled at getting in in the mornings and I've had a couple of unhappy incidents reported back to me by Katie along with the same morning mantra's "I'm BORED!" and "No one plays with me". I've made it Very clear to them that I Expect them to approach Katie if she's solo and to check that she's O.K. and not upset and in retreat. I know we've had time out from nursery, but I do expect some assistance to be extended her in resettling into the group. I will be monitoring closely in Sept! (She gets a "new" teacher, who is actually an old favourite, I'm hoping this is a good thing).

The final highlight of her nursery summer was this years "Beach Day". A day of fun outside in casual clothing. Sandpits, Paddling Pools, Coconut Shy's, a Puppet show and Mr Whoeverhewas (and I saw a bit of it and he had the children captivated!) entertaining them. Sadly the Blackpool Donkeys didn't make it on the day, but did turn up before the end of term! Katie was thrilled to get her two rides!

Oh and in a sneaky coup I have Katie's personal nursery "Learning Journey" Folder for the summer. Daddy couldn't be at parents evening and he did so want to see it! Grandma Wendy has also now seen it and was impressed - which was why I really hung on to it past the end of term! (Earning myself a gentle ticking off from the school, but I've promised to add in some details re our time out / summer and return it in Sept!)

Right, that's enough for this post... will just hunt for a pic.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

And so we went shopping

Katie and Daisy both had a fab time at the park with Grandma Wendy whilst mummy had a MUCH needed haircut! Katie then given the choice between walking round boring shops with mummy or playing with her cousin, wisely chose to go and play with her cousin! She had SUCH a great time with Lani and Aunty Julia that she didn't want to come home AT ALL!!
Daisy meanwhile started in the buggy happily enough.
Eventually she got fed up what with it getting crowded with the shopping bags! So she decided a snuggle was needed instead.

I'm VERY proud of her Grandma for offering to carry her in the sling!! Especially given that she had a hip repair when I was 10wks pregnant with Daisy! I tied G'ma and Daisy in together and G'ma assured me it was very comfortable and Daisy was certainly happy enough :o) She did end up passing to me after a while, but we have hit the 10mos "velcro baby" stage... Her Aunty Rek got a fab tongue out to the camera shot of her too lol. It was just as well she swapped to the sling, we did shop till we dropped and the buggy could carry no more bags and defo didn't have room for babies lol!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

You know you don't use a buggy much when...

Going to Bluewater this w/end (the shopping for me theme continues!!). So I thought it may be an idea to have somewhere for Daisy that avoids further episodes of the "escape under the door!" game she's now learnt. So I pulled out the neglected buggy to see if she fits in it yet.
She does.
Cue tears from Katie because "It's MY Buggy!! I want to go in it!!"
So we've had to have cuddles and take it in turns to be pushed and push it around the sitting room here...
Daisy thinks it's Great! When I went to put it away again she threw a tantrum and tried to climb back into it! :o She's sat in it as I type eating a biscuit.

So I think it's safe to say Grandma will get to push one or both of them in it this w/end, just as long as I can fit it in the car!!

And Continuing on the Trend Setting Theme...

Katie is developing her own sense of style...

Her hat was much admired in Sherborne yesterday!
Mr Boden had delivered some clothing that morning. They weren't right. Katie very kindly, on seeing my sad face piped up "Don't worry mummy, you can grown into them!" Unfortunately it was the Opposite problem and mummy's not counting on shrinking any further fast.
So we headed into Sherborne and I dared to try a bit of a clothes shop for ME with Both girls in tow. Well, Katie wowed the ladies in the shop.. I'm browsing through the clothes rails of the (rather posh but not too posh) shop. A little voice behind me pipes up "Mummy, I think you should try THESE ones on, they'd suit you!" and turn round to see Katie with a small pile of random tops picked up from the display at the front of the shop! The 3 sales ladies (and shop not busy at all) all thought it very cute and amusing, so we stayed and tried on various things. At which point Daisy decided it was her turn and escaped out from under the changing room door, whilst I was in my undies! Never have I thrown on clothing so fast!!! Katie escaped after her and stopped her sister in her tracks!
We came out with a small bag, comprising two thin summer cardies and two linen trousers. Phew!