Daisy meanwhile started in the buggy happily enough.
Eventually she got fed up what with it getting crowded with the shopping bags! So she decided a snuggle was needed instead.
I'm VERY proud of her Grandma for offering to carry her in the sling!! Especially given that she had a hip repair when I was 10wks pregnant with Daisy! I tied G'ma and Daisy in together and G'ma assured me it was very comfortable and Daisy was certainly happy enough :o) She did end up passing to me after a while, but we have hit the 10mos "velcro baby" stage... Her Aunty Rek got a fab tongue out to the camera shot of her too lol. It was just as well she swapped to the sling, we did shop till we dropped and the buggy could carry no more bags and defo didn't have room for babies lol!!